- 12:19 @PaulOckenden Worse still is when they send you a load of raffle tickets to buy yourself or sell.... #
- 16:25 @Glinner But does the light blink? #
- 17:18 @Glinner Sounds like a project involving a trip to Maplin ... #
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Tweets for Today
Friday, 27 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 23:06 Official looking stickers on the tube - twitpic.com/1pphl #
- 09:48 @glynmoody More the race to clear inventories.... #
- 09:58 @glynmoody not necessarily a sustainable expectation though in the current economy. #
- 15:04 @stevewpalmer Next challenge.... without the Segway! :) #
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:33 Today appears to be tweet your breakfast day. Toast, Marmite, Coffee, Cigarettes and Stress. My 5 a day. #
- 15:18 @BloodyVurriner Took it up as a hobby what with climate change and the return of the stone age. :) #
- 15:18 @nikrosser Just the *one* double sausage and egg? #
- 15:38 @mjasay I have to say, I concur with your analysis re Tom Tom. The FAT patents are secondary chillers, the GPS patents are the core. #
- 16:08 @glynmoody It's MS and their FAT patents, the ones people are convinced were overturned but arent #
- 16:36 @mjasay Well, they were hadly going to roll over even if they are on the floor... #
- 21:42 @glynmoody "Thunderbird 3 Beta 2Preview Release" - er.... #
- 21:46 @glynmoody Already there, and it's already irritating... which is pretty good going. #
- 21:49 No Thunderbird3b2pr, I do not want to add any email address I wish to display images to my ****ing addressbook #
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:26 Today, I will mostly be in a foul mood so approach with extreme caution #
- 12:15 @seatrout Jolly good show! #
- 15:24 @danielpunkass But which ones which? (I kinda like top tabs at the moment).... #
- 15:59 @mjasay UK *Government* please Matt... #
- 16:19 @jupitusphillip I thought it was just like a drama with coppers based in a fictious London district.... #
- 19:22 @glynmoody And that OpenOffice doesn't run on a Mac :) #
- 19:39 @glynmoody Well, some credit for OOo doing a native Mac port would be nice #
- 20:51 @OpenOfficeorg Yes, I *know*... I was pointing out the Times article says OOo for PC, NeoOffice for Mac, which isn't right #
Monday, 23 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:30 Thinking about deleting my Friendfeed account. I never use it myself.... #
- 08:42 Pow. Friendfeed account gone gone gone. #
- 08:56 @apelad I've heard is.gd/kvSa is plotting against you.... #
- 12:38 Makes mental note to be out of the door at 5 today for GLOW (even if @glynmoody hates that name) :) #
- 12:40 @girlonetrack It's like a box of packets of Parma Violets! is.gd/kwXg #
- 13:10 @glynmoody Yes, we can do it in Twitter-flash-mob-stylee... "Write about open source? South Bank Centre, 6pm, tonight, GLOW!" #
- 13:40 @glynmoody Looks spiffing... just the right amount of commital at the end. :) #
- 13:45 GLOW - Greater London Open source Writers - Tonight - write about open source? come along - see - is.gd/kxbe #
- 13:49 @glynmoody I'd better delete the craigslist ad then eh? :D #
- 13:50 @glynmoody Doomed.... doooomed.... #
- 13:54 @dhmorton Just let me get out my Paddington Hard Stare.... [Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare] #
- 17:58 Hope I'm in the right place for glow bit.ly/dbEtQ #
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:36 And now, figuring out what locked the big box #
- 10:13 @rupertg Dash, another cartoon added to my strips feeed #
- 11:29 I can has arkeeology. Haz dug under desk and found desk surface. Valuable stuff that. #
- 11:54 @girlonetrack Surely "Says marginalised, empty and pointless psychologist Oliver James" #
- 13:23 Stuck Dell monitor stand -> wood block + hammer -> >sproing< -> reassembly skills FTW #
- 18:23 @dhmorton Nah, I want the Bonekickers Desk Tidy Test. Finds items of true Cross under the kipple. #
Friday, 20 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 09:24 Taking a day off.... then off to Wales.... <falls over in heap> #
- 10:11 @bensummers It took my other half to explain it to me. :) #
- 21:25 Looks out of window.... Cardiff twitpic.com/1leeg #
- 21:32 @glynmoody yes we are, I'm just off to Wales for the weekend :) #
- 21:44 And nearly there as we stop at bridgend #
- 21:47 @mister_wavey time travel is disorienting. Soon they will all fall into a coma and wake up in 1974 #
- 21:59 In port Talbot and met by dad twitpic.com/1lfag #
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 07:26 @digitaldownfall And yet you don't follow honline... Tsk :) #
- 09:31 @gcluley But , Ted, Ted, is it very close or very far away? #
- 10:14 h-online.com/ is live! Do tell me or @honline what you think! #
- 15:01 @rupertg Fine PR taunting :) #
- 15:54 Declares today success in "I can haz h-online.com/ online" today. Hussah! Will now plan collapsing with pizza. #
- 16:03 @tug Thanks, there's a lot of people who helped, but it does look right now.... @honline will just complain it needs more handsome #
- 16:17 @rupertg Do I break out my paddington stare? :) But yes, The H FTW! #
- 17:49 @dhmorton Oh you mean is.gd/jQz8 or is.gd/jQzy ... yes so cute and works on a mac. #
- 18:04 @c64glen "Cool kids"... yeah, on their corner of the estate, waiting for the Alpine truck so they could get their deposit back #
- 18:11 @Glinner What, literally doing monkeys? Wow, this war kicked off with a real ad hom killer blow. :) #
Monday, 16 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 09:08 Well, it's H-1... tomorrow we launch The H. Follow @honline to watch it happen. #
- 11:45 @bensummers Oooh, me me.... 2nd March yes? #
- 11:49 @bensummers That's nothing... The H launches tomorrow... follow @honline to track whats happening :) #
- 11:53 @bensummers No you aren't. You have a whole platform to build. The H is about doing less but doing it really well. Good luck with March 2nd. #
- 11:54 @p4ula Is it hanging around with the emacs reference spoon and the nano reference saucer? #
- 12:52 Just 2-3? Setting bar low! RT @TechmemeFH: Huawei says to sell 2-3 Android phones this year (Tarmo Virki/Reuters) tinyurl.com/arsksr #
- 16:45 @dhmorton I suspect an iPhone was involved. :) #
- 16:47 @mattgemmell Wouldn't you traditionally zoom out to capture the beard* standing next to you. * slang may need some explanation :) #
- 18:00 @gcluley .... these gold bars.... not real gold I'm guessing :) #
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:43 @seatrout Depends what kind of nice you are thinking of.... #
- 08:58 @seatrout Seems to be quite old and nothing stand out in the colour handling.... #
- 09:01 @seatrout Yes but for example... is.gd/jA3J #
- 09:03 @seatrout And I have a bunch of LCDs here which swivel but I don't do it cos I get put out by the way the displays refresh #
- 09:07 @seatrout Ah, just the one monitor? I run multiple so when one is swivelled its noticable... #
- 09:34 @seatrout Well, you could get one of these - www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B001L1R9LK/ #
- 09:43 @seatrout Well, I think it's a combination of the subpixel arrangement and electronics, but I am overly sensitive to it I suspect. #
- 10:01 @glynmoody It's a "Visible Source" licence. I can think of at least one UK company which has a product under one #
- 10:06 @glynmoody AFAICT it's a fairly standard licence with a grant of rights to see and modify the source and limitations on the support of mods. #
- 10:06 @glynmoody That is it say it's a style of proprietary licence, like an escrow clause on steroids. #
- 10:08 @glynmoody And as one of the commenters points out, it's the kind of licence Java was under before #
- 11:53 @seatrout So what you really want is 1600 lines vertical res.... I know too well where that leads to. :) (points at Dell 30" monitor) #
- 14:44 @seatrout You on 3.0 or 3.0.1? is.gd/jB1r #
- 16:26 @seatrout Ah, to be honest with a bug like "throws away autosave" I'd have downloaded it by hand myself. #
- 17:59 @digitaldownfall Oh, rats... any reason? #
- 18:02 @digitaldownfall Ask someone on the desks... they usually have a clue #
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 15:24 @p4ula You missed the "innit" of Modern English :) #
- 16:53 @digitaldownfall You appear to be in the sea..... #
Friday, 13 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 07:48 @ramtops Which cat is called Cramp? :) #
- 10:08 @emonk_net Is there a reference for that? I appear to have IMAP IDLE working but with automatic checking on.... #
- 11:12 @IanSkerrett Have a good flight back #
- 14:02 @jupitusphillip Once, but I avoided drawing attention to it :) #
- 19:31 Ready for #badmovieclub at 9pm. Have choccies too... #
- 20:54 #badmovieclub - Just cueing up the movie and... well isn't the UTV logo just seven bags of design suck? #
- 21:01 #badmovieclub And the movie outlook is cloudy. #
- 21:05 #badmovieclub You'll need a mop and bucket too... #
- 21:08 #badmovieclub So that wraps it up for science eh? #
- 21:10 #badmovieclub rules of science club., you don't talk about science club isn't it? #
- 21:14 #badmovieclub Hey, was she just called by the big dumb one from Friends? #
- 21:18 #badmovieclub They should be out of bullets after the sixth person shoots themselves.... #
- 21:19 #badmovieclub "Text me!" .... "or just Twitter it" #
- 21:21 #badmovieclub "One useless piece of information at a time"... this is like a self aware script isn't it #
- 21:29 #badmovieclub Time to hit the concession stand for a box of malteasers while worlds worst dad drives off to die... #
- 21:37 #badmovieclub Realising why some people are out of sync... NTSC and PAL versions run at different speeds. #
- 21:42 #badmovieclub "Whatever is happening to smaller and smaller populations.." ... That'll be this movie in cable syndication #
- 21:47 #badmovieclub "Something in this field..." - Thats be Shamalamadingdong and the camera crew.... #
- 21:49 @Glinner They are actually all in a historically accurate park and they reach the edge of it and it's 2208 outside #
- 21:54 #badmovieclub I can't wait till the air gets to the WIll It Blend guy.... "Will I Blend?" #
- 21:57 #badmovieclub "What kind of tree is this?"... A Deus Ex Machina Tree #
- 22:02 #badmovieclub "Good News Everyone! The Exposition Channel is still running!" #
- 22:06 @BoxRoom No, it's 1974. Life on Mars FTW:) #
- 22:16 @markashley1961 At least in Phase IV we could cheer the ants on #badmovieclub #
- 22:23 #badmovieclub And then a tree fell on them? PLEASE? #
- 22:27 #badmovieclub There's one thing this movie had.... contempt for the audience.... answers? Screw you... #
Tweets for Today
- 12:59 @c64glen You have snow? #
- 13:25 He's a bit excited - RT @honline: 5 days to go... I'm getting quite excited. They've even let me show the new logo... is.gd/jhzv #
- 13:29 @c64glen Waaaaaaaaaaaaah I want snow too! #
- 18:28 "Don't Click" means don't click. It's an iframe Twitter hack which posts as you to Twitter repeating the URL. BAD CLICK. #
- 18:53 @al3x Deleting any tweet which contains the tinyurl or something more..... cunning? #
- 19:58 Nice graphic work is.gd/jiV2 #
- 21:10 @charltonbrooker Ok, now you are just making them up aren't you. #
- 21:13 Waiting for reviews of Brevilled Beaver, Fricassed Frog and Stirfried Helicopter crisp flavours..... #
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:51 @thefuckingpope But I didn't sneeze! #
- 10:18 @swombat Every little helps.... the balance sheet. :) #
- 10:35 @glynmoody The worst part is that the standard itself is clear of the patents; Red Phone have ringfenced the practical usages of it though. #
- 10:47 @sebastiansuncle Dreaming of a federated chat/twitter network over XMPP here... #
- 13:18 @jupitusphillip Oh, was Brandereth on the second time then? :) #
- 18:38 @nomine I have a "Bless You" I banked earlier from @thefuckingpope ... you have it #
Monday, 9 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:12 @glynmoody 5% eh... Linux cheaptops heading to conformity with the rest of the market then. #
- 08:30 @swombat Maybe need redditandunderstoodit.com :) #
- 08:36 @swombat Can I suggest also heise-online.co.uk too, purely out of self interest you realise :) #
- 11:49 @p4ula Double fail! is.gd/iTNE print that small and stick to nearest mug :) #
- 11:58 @glynmoody It'll just splash down in our much deeper oceans :) #
- 11:59 @p4ula Several litres of coffee? Not seeing the problem. :) #
- 13:09 RT @honline: And look, my logo is here is.gd/iU89 and I'll be up at the conference for all three days if you want to meet The H #
- 13:10 Looks like The H is a media sponsor of QCon London... and will be there. Want to know how to spot him? #
- 13:17 @digitaldownfall Google Earth dude, google earth... or open street map, to see if you can contribute some GPS data. #
- 13:25 @digitaldownfall Don't need to - is.gd/iUcJ - iPhone OSM tracker #
- 17:34 @mattgemmell including pr0n? :D #
- 17:42 @rupertg Roidboy! Roidboy! Roidboy! :) #
- 17:51 @rupertg I'll have a witty riposte to that as soon as this 99p WittyRiposte application is downloaded to the phone.... #
- 17:57 @opsview RSS? Very modern. Is Atom on the todo list? :) #
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:24 @dalmaer Couldn't a JSON log be "everything within the "[" and "]" which is prepended and appended on reading? (Still not good tho..) #
- 10:05 @glynmoody A DRM laden proprietary platform? How could you Glyn, how could you :) #
- 10:19 @glynmoody You want some of this anti-Jiminey Cricket spray I have here... one spray and conscience be gone! :) #
- 18:12 So buses still do that "driving away from the stop when you are on the other side of the pedestrian crossing" thing eh? #
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 09:49 @glynmoody Having auto-follow on is the equivelant of a "Please micro-spam me" flag. Unlike email, the solutions are already available. #
- 09:59 @glynmoody Why? You only follow who you want to listen to, so what's the vector for spam? #
- 10:11 @glynmoody Twitters problem, they have engineering control of the system. Again, completely unlike email spam. #
- 12:16 @glynmoody HP will be serious about it when the open the source to the launcher. Till then it's a proprietary shell on an open core. #
- 12:33 @glynmoody But there also appears to be binary only packages. Compare is.gd/itqZ with is.gd/itr4 - more digging needed #
- 15:31 @glynmoody What's their motivation to produce a product thats just like everyone elses? #
- 17:13 @glynmoody Name them. :) #
- 17:34 @glynmoody Customisation? What like a custom UI, the bit the customer looks at? :) #
- 18:28 @malki Climbing Frame #
- 18:30 @malki Though I will point out thats a generic term, rather than specific for that particular type. #
- 18:32 @malki Oh and yes, WIkipedia has the other generic term, monkey bars but that usually was for the ones you hang from #
- 18:34 @malki Anything thats got a frame for climbing on or hanging from... #
- 18:54 1500th Tweet.... /me gets out party hat and bunting #
- 22:34 @ju916 Better fix that... :) #
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 07:16 @thleemhuis Odd... no one says "Hey, let's make the blinking code more power efficient".... #
- 09:47 @stephenfry "Frying Tonight", the new Slashdotting! #
- 12:07 @jonobennett There's a line? Who knew! #
- 13:55 @burke_eric What do the other versions do? Randomly select a printer? :) #
- 14:13 @burke_eric I prefer the random printer option. "Document printing on neighbours printer...." #
- 15:12 @ramtops No. Well, not about that. :) #
- 17:33 @jeresig Don't whatever you do, look at the Lego Mindstorms NXT set... with it's bluetooth and ... no no I must not click, I must not click #
- 18:58 @norock Yeah, but like, according to Charles Clarke :) #
- 18:59 Presses the buttons on the Papa Johns site to order hard day recuperative pizza.... #
- 18:59 @Wossy Tweeting from the Tardis are we? #
- 20:12 @dhmorton Especially now there's a straight cheese and pepperoni on the PJs menu. #
- 20:13 @destroytoday To be honest, I tried it and found it somewhat confusing. I kinda wanted to select the two extra panes specifically... #
- 20:15 Loving the pics on is.gd/ioAg ... if I could have em all in wallpaper size I'd be sorted for wallpaper for 2009 :) #
- 20:17 @nikrosser Doesn't that get cheese on your bits? #
- 20:21 @destroytoday Could we control click the tabs for panels to make them pop out on demand, control click again to remove their extra panel? #
- 20:32 @destroytoday No, the window would widen (on left or right) and the control clicked pane would appear there. Wider on demand... #
- 20:33 @destroytoday The tabs for expanded windows would only respond to a control click then as there's no need to navigate to them. #
- 20:37 @dhmorton Only if the other three groups are cheeseburger, bacon roll and kebab #
- 20:56 @burke_eric Evidential purposes :) #
- 21:39 @mister_wavey Not AFE, but still fab live - is.gd/ipgR #
- 21:47 @chockenberry Instant FAIL :) #
- 21:49 @mister_wavey The Nokia E71 was remarkable... and it makes free video effects :) #
- 22:05 And that concludes the watching of B5, series 1 to 5... #
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Monday, 2 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:34 Snow report. Yes. That is all. #
- 10:04 @gcluley Bad. And will probably end up in the spam folder. (Unless you craft your own card and send it as a normal mail) #
- 13:11 @p4ula It makes me want to get my Atari joystick out and rock along. :) #
- 13:15 @dclinton Only problem is it makes me want to get a Lego Mindstorms NXT kit and that is £170 of fun... #
- 13:21 @dclinton No, but it does Bluetooth and has Mac support - is.gd/i500 #
- 13:47 @girlonetrack Worst Festivus Pole ever? is.gd/ay9t #
- 14:20 @p4ula No, hacked Atari joysticks to work on the C64. Commodore boy all the way I was.... #
- 15:32 @p4ula Competition Pros are for the weak wristed :) #
- 15:39 @glynmoody No. Unless you want the government to have a list of everyone's email address. #
- 16:27 @glynmoody So you want to make the case for massive state intrusion to stop spam? Hang on, I'll get my comfy chair and coffee... :) #
- 16:39 @glynmoody And when that list leaks to the spammers which it would... The state has a role in stopping spam, becoming a spammer isn't it. #
- 17:15 Corrects a small error with the old following. Sorry bout that @c64glen #
- 17:15 @nomine And so I did. :) #
- 17:23 @glynmoody Another problem, the people who do respond will continue to respond, thinking new spam may be a government "test"... so still no. #
- 17:32 @hoopstar311 Pet Sounds is illegal? :) #
- 17:48 @dhmorton That leaves me with "Wear trousers in public" and "Don't eat yellow snow".... #
- 18:19 @dhmorton I don't know... does this taste lemony to you? :) #
- 20:12 @glynmoody People don't respond well to being "caught out"; your ICBM analogy forgets those chaps were military and other dynamics at play #
- 20:25 @glynmoody Or give everyone dual key PCs and a army bloke with a hand gun ready for when the user replies to mail #
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:05 Messing around with the bus generator.... twitpic.com/1a2wy #
- 08:59 @stephenfry Nothing wrong with being a grumpy old man.... it's just when grumpy old men do a BBC1 series of grumping that irritates me. :) #
- 09:01 Taxi's with TV's playing Grumpy Old Men, that really gets on my tits, especially when it's complete with unbleeped f'ing. #
- 09:06 @thefuckingpope Got to have something to do while the minions prep the burning handbag for benediction eh? #
- 10:37 @glynmoody I think a better automated enhancement to White Wedding is performed by is.gd/hYT5 #
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