Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Tweets for Today

  • 07:53 I knew Evan Davies liked to dress up for Today, but now the truth is out! #
  • 07:55 @r4today But what are you all wearing today? #
  • 08:06 @AbigailH Mmmm.... fresh bread and butter and marmite.... #
  • 08:48 @dhmorton The same people who you write to about the anguish and distress caused by the mental image of him not in a thong. #
  • 08:57 @AbigailH And a grapefruit is just an immature basketball seed. :) #
  • 14:14 @IanSkerrett Except the bulletin says WMF and EMF, Windows Metafile and Extended Metafile. #
  • 14:30 @glynmoody Photoshops are easy. Production engineering is hard. #
  • 14:36 @glynmoody It's 95% of the challenge. I can draw my perfect computer in ten minutes. But the technology to make it work doesn't exist. #
  • 15:44 Pity Twitter PR don't want to answer my question about spoofing. Can't think why.... #

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