Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Monday, 30 March 2009
- 09:27 GLOW tonight - is.gd/pCBI - London based open source journalists and writers, come along for a chat at 7pm. #
- 09:32 @sbisson Do pass it on anyway. Be great to see you there next time. #
- 09:49 @ABridgwater It's ok, the plan is to have it every month. Maybe next time? #
- 09:50 @brandstaetter Just the 2? #
- 18:11 @glynmoody kinda the result expected here.... This is why there's no IBM Linux distro... Or HP... Or Sun.... #
- 18:51 Am now at the royal festival hall riverside cafe for GLOW - you are looking for me :) [?] #
Friday, 27 March 2009
- 08:52 Busyish day today, lots to line up for the friday and out meeting credativ this afternoon. #
- 11:00 @mister_wavey As long as you use a pin code. #
- 12:06 @glynmoody Time to institute *basic* security procedures more like. #
Thursday, 26 March 2009
- 10:22 @ABridgwater Oh, that looks sweet. Won't replace Things here for me, but free is good. #
- 16:28 @Glinner Llanelli ... if you think L is beautiful #
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
- 08:39 Enjoyed #devnest last night. Any nesters who want to talk about their open source projects, do get in touch! #
- 08:49 Things I learnt at #devnest. Deleted tweets live on in the search database. #
- 08:54 @urbanvox I hope it's bacon.... @nomine will probably suggest otherwise... but mmmmm bacon #
- 09:30 @skinnermike All of them. #
- 11:36 @glynmoody Probably a spam-relative of is.gd/oRN3 #
- 13:41 @skinnermike Surprisingly not. East Enders started in Feb 85, Dot first appeared in July that year. (vi Wikipedia) #
- 16:37 @Aleksandr_Orlov use password m33rk@, no one figure it out eh? PS Where you want this subscription to "PlayMeerkat" sent to? #
- 17:56 @urbanvox Well, if you need a spare nerd to help out, more than happy to help #
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
- 09:31 @urbanvox Wrestling with Linux 2.6.29 news, prodding people and making yet another Time Machine Backup. :) #
- 09:51 @urbanvox Changing over machines and I didn't have the right cable... atm I have 3 recent TM backups :) #
- 10:03 @urbanvox Not so much ouch. Just belt and braces.... and duct tape.... and staples... and blutack #
- 12:41 @p4ula And the granuality seems to be all or nothing...? #
- 15:02 Off to #devnest tonight with my coder head and my editor head on. Must find looser collared shirt. <choke><coff> #
- 17:57 Has arrived for #devnest #
- 20:35 at #devnest - see video stream of event - icanhaz.com/devnest #
Monday, 23 March 2009
- 08:19 @ramtops Vicious buggers those Wiifits with their big gnarly teeth and sharp claws.... #
- 09:54 @mister_wavey Your only friends, yet you do not install a tiny trampoline to save them from the fall... Tsk... :) #
- 18:47 The Red Hat Patent Problem and AMQP... a little something I've been working on - is.gd/oAvk #
- 19:09 @MarkAllerton Glad to be of service :) #
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Friday, 20 March 2009
- 12:29 This is me playing with twitteds international pin support #
- 14:58 @digitaldownfall BACK TO WORK DRONE! #
- 15:51 Twitter has added PIN authentication for international SMS updates - is.gd/ocRi - Set your PIN code now if you SMS update Twitter #
- 16:20 @BloodyVurriner I don't think you (a) clicked save, and I suspect you want a space after the PIN.... #
Thursday, 19 March 2009
- 08:54 @ramtops Safari 4 *BETA* #
- 11:44 RT @digigov: 19 days left to comment on 'How can we improve government websites?' at www.coi.gov.uk/improvingwebsites Please RT #
- 15:08 @mister_wavey That's a big frame! How do you convince the kids to go in their slots? #
- 20:16 Finally! A tracking number! Doesn't work of course. But hey, it's a number. #
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 09:01 Up, awake and working through the daily todo list.... "World domination" still way way down the list. #
- 10:16 @shadowfax1804 Goodness no. This is a pre-gnome list and includes "Select golf carts or monorail" and "Find nice inactive volcano" #
- 10:56 @jonobennett $6.5bn for Java, a boatload of multicore cpu designs, and an already freed Unix? Bargain. #
- 11:47 @ABridgwater U CAN HAZ CHEEZEBU... sorry sorry don't know what came over me.... #
- 12:42 @bensummers Where was he talking? #
- 17:01 @bensummers Ah right, I'm catching him at the Royal Geographic Society tomorrow #
- 21:58 @jackschofield A big ass table. Let me guess. It didn't figure out it was your coffee and label it on the screen? :) #
- 22:02 Finally wound down for the day. May have to change tomorrows plans. There's a story needs telling. #
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 11:56 @webmink Has it been stalking you? Bad building! :) #
- 14:20 @glynmoody Oh brave new world where "Not looking awful on screen" is a feature :) #
- 14:24 @glynmoody "Also, will no longer halt and catch fire" :) #
- 14:49 @urbanvox Looks more like asleep kid... they are always cute when they are asleep ... and quiet. :) #
- 20:19 Less stressful day today. Actually got some exercise in first thing. #
Monday, 16 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 09:59 @dhmorton Yes but quite grumpy. #
- 12:36 @jupitusphillip Spiderman or Darth Vader in a fight. Would you care? :) #
- 12:46 @mister_wavey Get your own at is.gd/nxkz #
- 13:15 @urbanvox Hola Urbanvox. Nice tat. :) #
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:45 Oh cripes, its a bit sunny this morning and the sounds of grinding from outside say the road works chaps are busy.... #
- 10:16 Puts tinyurl.com/ah2cej to counter the rock band tweets :) #
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 20:10 @urbanvox is.gd/nmD7 says serious accident but thats a large area to cordon off #
- 20:25 @sebastiansuncle How big? (Hopes this is the right feed line for the joke...) :) #
- 22:27 @sebastiansuncle Chunky! #
Friday, 13 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 06:51 Up and getting ready to go to Qcon #
- 12:35 @iain_allan A conference on programming.... #
- 14:34 March GLOW, for open source writers and journalists, March 30th, 7pm, details at is.gd/ncEI #
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 09:41 Sigh. Doctors say I have high blood pressure, need blood tests etc. BUT I DON'T HAVE TIME! #
- 09:44 @swombat dvi->vga extracts analog pins, mini-dp-DVI is all analog, DVI has different pins for analog and digital as DVI is >4 connections #
- 09:45 @swombat I mean mini-dp->DVI is all digital, so no analog pins to put into the DVI->VGA connector. #
- 13:12 @ma_ku Ok OK! But I look so good with wood... (fx:screaming from back of room) #
- 13:47 @ju916 Can I keep the sex and TV? :) #
- 14:17 @skinnermike You'll be wanting home.howstuffworks.com/refrigerator.htm #
- 15:02 @destroytoday Add to list of features to-do - "selectable shortners" :) #
- 17:29 @rupertg Developers worry about OSS licensing. Oh look. It was a survey of developers. #
- 17:54 @mjasay But is that a survey of end users or developers? #
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 07:53 I knew Evan Davies liked to dress up for Today, but now the truth is out! tinyurl.com/au88qx #
- 07:55 @r4today But what are you all wearing today? #
- 08:06 @AbigailH Mmmm.... fresh bread and butter and marmite.... #
- 08:48 @dhmorton The same people who you write to about the anguish and distress caused by the mental image of him not in a thong. #
- 08:57 @AbigailH And a grapefruit is just an immature basketball seed. :) #
- 14:14 @IanSkerrett Except the bulletin says WMF and EMF, Windows Metafile and Extended Metafile. #
- 14:30 @glynmoody Photoshops are easy. Production engineering is hard. #
- 14:36 @glynmoody It's 95% of the challenge. I can draw my perfect computer in ten minutes. But the technology to make it work doesn't exist. #
- 15:44 Pity Twitter PR don't want to answer my question about spoofing. Can't think why.... #
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 10:52 <confession> I have been reckless and lustful on the Apple Store #
- 16:03 @bensummers I*think* you want to be looking at JavaMail java.sun.com/products/javamail/ - javax.mail.internet HeaderTokenizer #
- 16:13 @bensummers I've done that line of thinking in the past.... usually to go back to the packages cos they've covered the corner cases :) #
- 16:27 @bensummers Oh odd. The tokenizer class says it handles then, lies damn lies and javadocs I guess :) #
- 16:43 @bensummers Oh Apache Commons... well thats dependency land that is :) #
Monday, 9 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 09:31 @Aleksandr_Orlov Happy Monday Aleksandr... do you have new comparable meerkats this week? #
- 12:30 @mjasay Hey, it's not a bad idea making the groupware go quiet when it's needed. Bilski response - transforms noise into quiet :) #
- 13:46 @mattgemmell So, it's a working stun gun app? :) #
- 13:49 @Wossy He's 50% of the way to becoming a little Lego man #
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Friday, 6 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 14:57 If you use SMS to tweet in the UK, you may be spoofed - snurl.com/d8phl - I've disassociated my phones #
- 16:43 @chockenberry DoubleChunkyChockBlockPlusPlus? #
- 17:19 @mike_elgan No it hasn't. We've updated the story, the doors still wide open for spoofers in UK and Germany - is.gd/m8E2 #
- 17:51 @Wossy If you update Twitter with SMS, don't - is.gd/m6De #
- 20:04 @jupitusphillip I assume you know about is.gd/hue6 #
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 07:57 @norock Earth-like tends to refer to "Not a gas giant, not a rock, not stripped by solar winds"... its not a high bar :) #
- 07:57 @channel4news Jon's tie looks shiny from here #
- 08:13 @webmink Did you have a dalliance with some Visual Basic in the past? :) #
- 13:18 @girlonetrack Bodyguards? #
- 16:19 @mjasay Well from GPL violator is.gd/lW9z to GPL hero in five years would be a bit of a stretch :) #
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 16:54 @webmink CRB checks? Well, a good idea but thats going to choke the take up a bit. #
- 17:34 @webmink From the page - "a CRB check (mandatory for anyone over 18) - Mozilla will pay for these." - now see - is.gd/lC3b #
- 17:37 @webmink I understand it's essential, but it will still inhibit take up. #
- 18:15 Dear Apple, mini displayport to displayport cable please.... like right now. I have 2 displayport monitors, I'd like to use the option. #
Monday, 2 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 09:31 @nomine Well, I could try and wear less, but that involves a lot of visual trauma for others. :) #
- 13:10 Just wonderful.... tinyurl.com/ajanv5 #
- 14:18 @lowflyingrocks rocks... a daily dose of something to panic about which you can't do a thing about #
- 17:07 I want one of these is.gd/lrJh as it looks so sweet.... #
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Tweets for Today
- 10:05 @glynmoody A survey sample of 515 of "interest or willingness"? So the margin of errors what? 10-20% :) #
- 11:55 @grahamix Oh, is it? Oh my, Bappy Hirthday and all that sort of thing! #
- 12:24 @glynmoody Not hugely; Amazon has a massive non-downloadable online retail brand, iTunes only has a digital brand. #
- 12:25 @glynmoody Most folks online have already bought from Amazon so trust the brand. For iTunes, only people with iPods etc. #
- 12:26 @glynmoody So the real surprise is that iTunes does so *well* :) #
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