Monday, 17 March 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 08:05 Right, back with the whole brain. Got to get my demo iPhone app 'complete' this week. #
  • 08:48 Good article on why no background processes in the iPhone SDK... with actual *EXPERIENCE* - #
  • 15:46 @gruber It's all ok unless your pen goes floppy :D #
  • 16:26 Ventures into the AddressBook in a certain SDK. My, thats not exactly overly documented. Puts that item on the back burner. #
  • 17:08 Damn, I hope they get Interface Builder into a later beta. It feels more like I'm back doing Motif/Xt on X11... flashbacks #
  • 21:44 Dammit Apple, put the new Airport Express in the UK store! #
Twitter archiving provided by LoudTwitter

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