Saturday 16 May 2009

  • 07:07 Up rather early..... #
  • 07:56 @mishalogvinov Excellent... I look forward to the update #
  • 08:50 Vistory is mine</stewie>Just deregioned the F1080 Samsung DVD player #
  • 08:50 Victory dammit! #
  • 09:16 @mattgemmell "Time travel is so next month" any better? #
  • 09:29 For a laugh, upgraded the EEE 1000 to Karmic, running entirely on battery. #
  • 18:01 I sure @Aleksandr_Orlov been moonlighting doing voice for Tesla table in new PS3 game Zen Pinball! Is you Aleksandr? #
  • 18:30 @timanderson Flash an open standard for the web? Gawd, I hope never... anyway, it's the codecs that count, not the player. #
  • 19:04 Eurovision plan - We have to hand. Eurovision has to be less fun than that for us to switch. :) #
  • 20:22 @giagia So good I got the album and found half of Daft Punk producing it *bliss* #
  • 20:27 I dub the French entry the Fifth Smelement... phew... #eurovision #twumpet #
  • 21:25 Leigh Bowrey lives?! #eurovision #twumpet #
  • 21:33 That was like pole dancing on a big budget #eurovision #twumpet #

Friday 15 May 2009

  • 09:13 @mikkohypponen None? Is that a challenge? :) #
  • 10:38 Notices IronKey icon on Mac has a lot of transparent white space making it hard to click on. Wish people would spot that usability thing... #

Thursday 14 May 2009

  • 08:52 @opensourcerer Also Intel notes sun rises and sets... who knew the low end of the PC market would have low quality and mis-selling eh? :) #
  • 09:05 @Mark_Antony What was your secret? Did you dope the refreshments? :) :) :) #
  • 09:18 @Mark_Antony There is something definitely changing in the public sector; I think Mr Watson's policy has changed perceptions a bit. #
  • 09:56 @Casablanca The Zen is next to the sweet'n'low and the little wooden sticks usually. :) #
  • 12:07 @rlancefield But they do stop for a while at times as Mr Fry found :) #
  • 14:29 @giagia Either that or you get bigger and bigger and bigger and.... #
  • 14:31 @leisa So all I have to say is bakery bakery bakery and.... #
  • 14:57 @glynmoody No Linux support! Oh the irony! :) #
  • 15:26 @glynmoody Pity they don't mention that. Me, I'm betting on the next gen of OLED devices to do the eBook better. #

Wednesday 13 May 2009

  • 07:53 Bleh, morning.... and grey.... oh well.... #
  • 09:18 Wants to find a patents wonk who's been parsing the EPO submissions... #
  • 16:52 @glynmoody Comments such as "No it doesn't, it's Canonicals trademark and they license it as they wish". End of :) #
  • 17:52 @rlancefield Say goodbye to your proprietary bits! #
  • 18:01 @rlancefield The response to RMS is to point at his laptop and say "Nice Chinese laptop you have there" :) #
  • 19:32 @mjasay You mean they acquired them twice?! #

Tuesday 12 May 2009

  • 09:41 Curses.... how the heck is one supposed to find Dell's press contact in the maze of twistyness that is its site... #
  • 09:45 @skinnermike You are wearing an enormous fat suit? #
  • 09:47 @alanbelltolc Not *every* keyboard. These mac keyboards have a "command/meta" key, not a windows logo. :) #
  • 09:48 @alanbelltolc That's the influence of the Adventure game. A hollow voice will now say "Plugh". #
  • 10:11 Starts sending out a bit of trouble making by email. If you are an enterprise open source vendor who hasn't got an email, direct message me #
  • 10:22 @ruskin147 "lacks cut and paste" at the moment. Oh roll on iPhone OS 3.0... :) #
  • 13:31 @girlonetrack Google translate gives "Revalation of the girls turn to sex"... ah, Russian :) #
  • 14:01 @dhmorton You realise I will insist you come down and make me a gigapan of the garden :) #
  • 14:52 @mike_elgan And that may well come with iPhone OS 3.0 considering it has parental controls. #
  • 17:30 Is pondering "Should the label Open Source be treated like the label Organic?" #
  • 19:44 @nichtsokleijn So thats er 2 features then... HTML5 support and the rather familiar private browsing :) #
  • 20:05 @nichtsokleijn Refreshingly, nothing needs doing. <Phew> #

Monday 11 May 2009

  • 10:27 @dhmorton Captioned "If it was that phallic, could I do this eh?" #

Sunday 10 May 2009

  • 09:01 Oooh bright and shiny out there. Might have to go.... outside. #
  • 09:07 David Mitchell's ... Love the punchline. #
  • 17:55 Staring at keyboard.... too late in the day for a bit of coding fun.... #
  • 21:19 @Schofe It's a plain USB to USB mini cable - Like #
  • 21:28 @jackschofield But then CoSy had how many users...? And a Twitter comaprison would be everyone crossposting from their personal confs... #

Saturday 9 May 2009

  • 21:08 Playing with Gwibber on the netbook.... #
  • 21:08 @iain_allan It's a not overly stable Twitter client #
  • 21:14 @iain_allan EEE PC 1000HE, currently running patched up Ubuntu 9.04 to get round the Intel graphics problem. Not a bad machine at all... #

Friday 8 May 2009

  • 10:32 @nichtsokleijn Conky, proving all Linux needed was really really advanced wallpaper :) #
  • 11:11 @ABridgwater Verily, it seems stuffated.... #
  • 12:07 I have decided to dub Novell's Moblin.... Noblin. "Got a netbook, we can nobble it for you" can be the slogan. :) #
  • 12:16 @digitaldownfall But when you were in Rome, did you do as the Romans did? #
  • 12:18 Stops Nambu again after another crash. Nambu dudes, reliability is like number 1 priority.... sorry #
  • 13:06 @ronskanky Down In The Park, Tubeway Army. Obscure, 80s*, and you can't more Numan like than Numan :) ( * well 79 really) #
  • 13:07 @sil Ooooh you big tease! :) #

Thursday 7 May 2009

  • 08:31 Starting the day the "Sending a grumpy email" way.... #
  • 08:44 Restores EEE 1000 (now named Winky after an irritating character in Manhunt in Space) to XP; will reinstall Ubuntu later... #
  • 13:10 @MarthadM Not so much an end as an ignominious fall into the car crusher... #
  • 15:16 @glynmoody Ohoh... I'm getting my better perpetual motion machine down to the PTO asap ... :) #
  • 15:43 @glynmoody But I'm doing it in SOFTWARE! :) #
  • 16:01 @Mark_Antony Users need to know when they see "open source" that they are getting the freedoms too - #
  • 21:23 @InfoSecJobsUK G'wan g'wan g'wan.... :) #
  • 21:33 @InfoSecJobsUK Currently we're enjoying Ashes to Ashes here... consumed the real mind stunner yesterday (Britains Next Top Model :) ) #

Wednesday 6 May 2009

  • 07:51 Today, the scales read 280lbs... this is good :) #
  • 13:45 Registering for #
  • 14:40 New EEE PC now sports XP and Ubuntu 9.04... #
  • 14:43 @glynmoody It's a EEE PC 1000HE and yes, this seems to be working pretty well with everything so far #
  • 17:01 @linuxfoundation What kind of line length is that? Do you hate readability? #
  • 17:39 @mattgemmell But "Top n [catagory of app] for [platform/OS]" where n>3 is even lazier :) #
  • 22:18 @lproven But about that case you sold me.... :) #

Tuesday 5 May 2009

  • 09:31 @wendyg So instead of a biometric card, everything is on mobile phones.... er... way to go with economic disenfranchisement again :) #
  • 09:49 @ju916 Because there may be one way bridges in wider network loops, and missing them misses the weak forces in the network? #
  • 09:53 @sv "Girlsname"+"year" in Twitter id == Spammer at the moment :) #
  • 10:06 @ABridgwater "People not moving to Linux because people not moving to Linux"... Come in 1997, your Desktop Linux talking point is calling :D #
  • 10:09 Looking at this morning news feeds and wondering what to actually write about. #
  • 10:11 @ABridgwater That's the point, people are moving to Linux... the problem now is that keeping them moved as some find it disappointing #
  • 10:16 Irony.... Windows 7 RC download being managed by Java applet. #
  • 10:32 @positennui I'd get the MacBooks fixed. :) #
  • 10:37 @positennui You didn't Applecare them then? It's not like PC laptops are any easier to repair.... #
  • 11:02 @positennui Macs, Windows and Linux. But Macs do the heavy lifting here... including running VMs of Windows, Linux, BSDs... #
  • 14:14 @nichtsokleijn Standard sales FUD... Salesmen are probably doing the "Scary cold call" as we tweet... #
  • 15:51 I have been accused of only ordering so I can make jokes like "My knob is now in Barking".... #
  • 15:53 If I'd ordered then I could have said "My enormous kn..." .... a boy can dream can't he? #
  • 16:20 @glynmoody Wishful thinking meets raw stats, whackiness ensues with classic "Well, other people use it more" anecdotal evaluation... :) #
  • 16:25 @glynmoody Er, the original research was the stats analysis of 160 sites. Hardly anecdotal. The problem is the noise floor much > MoE #
  • 16:40 @glynmoody Systemic bias is not "doesn't count sites that cater for Linux users" :) #
  • 16:44 @glynmoody (At least when you are sampling the general population... btw, same site gave 20% firefox market share in Nov)... #
  • 16:59 @glynmoody That'll be why Jon Lilly called that stat "A signifigant milestone".... #
  • 17:00 @glynmoody So how does Firefox show 20% then? Eh Eh? #

Sunday 3 May 2009

  • 08:16 @digitaldownfall Just played with. It's not buyable yet. Roll on the Samsung.... #
  • 17:02 RT @c64glen: C64 codebase wiki - Sweet stuff for old-64ers #

Saturday 2 May 2009

  • 14:51 Gig card shoved in Dell 530... thats more like it for a file server... #
  • 15:11 Prods DVB-T under Mandriva and KDE... hmm.... #
  • 15:52 @giagia Well more a "Oh gosh, aren't I following... bad me" moment.... #
  • 16:03 Played with HTC Magic - Nearly nice... felt little plasticy... but no headphone socket is a fail for me. #

Friday 1 May 2009

  • 09:00 @mattgemmell For your fingers? You still have the double/triple issue with third party headphones... #
  • 09:05 @mattgemmell You might think that, but all the ons I have seen just have a single button #
  • 09:05 @mattgemmell What you need is Da Rhythm! :) #
  • 11:31 @girlonetrack Um but isn't 'roasting' a very specific act... hence the term. #
  • 14:37 @alanfleming is it rubbish? :) #
  • 15:54 @ruskin147 A viral is a thing which people look at, a meme encourages people to make their own thing based on a common idea... #
  • 16:16 @rupertg Oh but so nice ... but it's all about the knob - #