Thursday, 30 April 2009
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
- 10:49 @glynmoody Well, without prior art, there's no grounds to challenge. It's pretty much all they can do is ask for prior art. #
- 10:53 @glynmoody One would guess the delay was the OIN ringing round its members asking if they had prior art. #
- 11:01 @glynmoody Well, you are probably dealing with lawyers and legal counsel, so it's all on "legal time" #
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
- 15:40 Just showing graham tweetie #
- 19:30 A security exhibtion.... a room full of people trying to sell you an abstract concept.... #
Monday, 27 April 2009
- 09:23 @glynmoody Better? Sorry, just I'm already used to restoring windows under Safari. I'd prefer features like "chews less memory" for 3.5 :) #
- 09:31 @glynmoody Toys and bling in the Netscape browser are exactly what lead to someone doing Firefox in the first place :D #
- 10:38 @glynmoody Or you could have caught that news last week - #
- 10:55 @glynmoody Of course the browser that rises from the ashes may not even be a browser as we know it #
- 10:56 @glynmoody I'm doing a sweet free deal on our RSS feed :) #
- 10:57 @glynmoody or you can follow @honlinenews or talk to The H at @honline :) #
- 11:01 @gcluley I'm making a note to remember the words "Gosh Mr Cluley, you have a blog, I never knew" :) #
- 12:03 @tug (shortened) You may want then #
- 12:19 @tug Basically use it as a faux visitor pattern. Yes, I was thinking that. Roll on Java 8 eh? :) #
- 12:47 @gcluley I think you need to say "new free pair of Y-Fronts".... :) #
- 12:54 GLOW tonight #opensource #london #writers #
- 14:54 @BBCClick Youtube, in a Man Who Fell To Earth style #
- 15:31 @stevekennedyuk It's smaller than a dual layer DVD. :) #
- 16:12 @stevekennedyuk Ah, I always have a spindle or two to hand.... #
- 18:37 Am at the GLOW meetup - find me out here (for now) #
- 18:51 Evil black clouds overhead here... Expecting rain.... #glow #
- 19:02 @rupertg some buggers not gone and done something interesting now have they? #
Sunday, 26 April 2009
- 08:38 Yellow shiny burny thing in sky.... what *is* that? #
- 13:42 @mattgemmell As a (now) member of the press, can I assure you we don't all misquote... #
- 13:56 @mattgemmell Of course not, this is off the record isn't it. :) #
Saturday, 25 April 2009
- 07:59 @skinnermike Ah, brave new future where your computer has a cold and doesn't want to come out of sleep :) #
- 08:01 @ramtops I think it was a little OTT to install that Wallace and Gromit bed catapult just for possible Anne Atkins broadcasts..... #
- 08:33 @iainfarrell Hmm... no... I'll be glad to hear the News Quiz next week which does the news, not Merton's wimsey + Hislop's hypo-bile #
Friday, 24 April 2009
- 07:59 Hi to the twitterers I met at the Ubuntu Jaunty launch - @opensourcerer, @rlancefield et al... #
- 08:04 @ABridgwater Yes... Mr Shuttleworth, Jono Bacon, @ivanka, and lots of Canonical folks and others were there. #
- 08:17 @sscullion Check down the back of the sofa.... #
- 08:39 @sscullion OMG! It's full of weeks! :) #
- 11:53 Finding Ubuntu 9.04+ATI driver == Spinny CPU and locked up display preferences on his Dell #
- 12:12 @rupertg ATI Proprietary driver that is. At least the display settings app can be killed and turning off the prop driver brings sanity. #
- 12:17 RT @glynmoody: Greater London Open Source Writers meetup on Monday 27th of April at 7pm ... #
- 12:18 @glynmoody Interesting... your tweet was too long to retweet... (thinks... is 120 characters the length of a retweetable tweet) #
- 12:19 @Maxicom See you there then! :) #
- 12:28 @tug @glynmoody thats a simple idea which could work better #
- 12:58 My Twitter personality: popular inquisitive cautious My style: chatty coherent SOCIALITE - SOCIALITE???! #
- 13:20 @rlancefield WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU! :) #
- 14:29 @rupertg Three consonants at the start of the company name says that getting the hang of english will be a long time coming :) #
- 15:13 @Aleksandr_Orlov Make sure Sergei leave mobile phone and pager at office... you want him to enjoy balloon #
Thursday, 23 April 2009
- 08:00 Another day, another Linux release, another "Find the bugs" funola, then off to the Ubuntu launch party. Oh and writing news. #
- 09:29 @girlonetrack I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous..... <baboom tish> I'm here all week, try the fish.... #
- 13:49 @glynmoody Copyright is half the game. The other half is the name (and the trademark). That's not GPLd... ask Sun about that. :) #
- 13:59 @webmink Nobody expects the open source inquisition, our three weapons are copyright,trademarks, committers and community... #
- 15:05 @iain_allan OS launched now... Launch Party tonight at 7pm at The Warwick #
- 15:10 @glynmoody People resist changing brands. Doesn't matter how witty the new name is.... #
- 16:34 @glynmoody ndiswrapper won't work! :) #
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
- 08:45 Is pleased to get online... open source and gold :) #
- 16:30 Currently very very very unhappy.... May have to break out the cluebat with the nails in it. #
- 19:15 @paul_clarke NTSC disc and a PAL only TV? #
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Monday, 20 April 2009
- 09:33 Remember to GLOW next Monday! - #
- 12:05 @atebits What ads? Where? #
- 12:39 @leisa My rule of thumb for usability... ask WWAD (What would Apple do)... Well, it seems to work. #
- 12:42 @leisa (That's tiny test groups and one focussed vision with a human with the power to say "No, not good enough") #
- 13:17 @bensummers Well, not anyone friendly. :) #
- 13:40 @Aleksandr_Orlov You still to master the "Knock Knock" joke or is this anecdote about web designers being let out of cellar? #
- 13:48 On the plus side. Sun not bought by IBM... will not be converted into IBM's Cacophony, but what will OracleOffice be like... #
- 14:00 @iainfarrell Nice link... put it straight in my basket! :) You on commission then? #
- 14:02 @pibbotson Forking, but what of the future MySQL ecosystem... #
- 14:05 @charltonbrooker I been meaning to ask... why's the Newswipe desk a cut and shut version of a TV news programmes desk? #
- 14:17 @nomine <Applause> #
- 15:08 I wish Oracle had acquired Debian, not Sun. Then we could write about the software powerhouse that is Debacle.... #
- 15:08 I guess I'll have to stick with writing stories about The Man From Suncle.... #
- 15:25 @wendyg Luminaries can leave corporations though.... it's not like Oracle acquired them. #
- 15:27 @hotdogsladies Which Dexy's though? Come on Eileen era or Don't Stand Me Down* era? #
- 17:26 @IdentityWoman #whoareyouwhodoyoutrust ? (or was that for Crusade fans) #
- 18:03 Oh this makes me giggle - #
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Saturday, 18 April 2009
- 14:17 Nice walk out. Returned with a ten socket tower plug #
- 14:18 Let the rewiriing of the rats nest behind these two machines begin :) #
- 16:24 Rats nest removed. New organised rats nest installed. Johnny cable a tricky old chap en masse.... #
- 20:03 @jupitusphillip Top of the Pops Will Eat Itself #
- 20:16 @jupitusphillip Coronation Streetband #tvbandgame #
Friday, 17 April 2009
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Monday, 13 April 2009
- 08:58 RTviaMail - Glynmoody says please don't look at his Twitter page as it's currently got Mikeyy #
- 09:04 @ABridgwater No, everyone is vulnerable. There's no native payload in the worm; it takes over your account and tweets as you to spread #
- 09:06 @ABridgwater Safest thing to do is to not use Twitter on the web, don't view other users twitter profiles. Hard with shortened URLs but.... #
- 09:50 Seems Mikeyy has changed its message pattern and in now posting fake "breakingnews" retweets #
- 09:56 Other infected Mikey tweets include "Hire Mikeyy". Seems that the messages are changing on the fly #
- 10:08 Damn it's hard keeping in a clean browser to look at Mikey #
- 10:31 @hotdogsladies Misread that as late jizz which gave even more disturbing images.... #
- 12:35 @webmink But it's not the operating system that gets dirty. The problem is making sure untrusted links go to the sandbox in normal use. #
Saturday, 11 April 2009
- 11:09 Writes up the "Things that happened this week" post... #
- 11:09 /me looks at list of things to do before he goes to Hanover tuesday... <sigh> #
- 14:55 @p4ula I'm saving power by er.... simple run length compression and deduplication. #
- 15:02 @glynmoody Nobody who I know says it. Architectures and design are the things that do or do not scale. #
- 15:48 @glynmoody (codepope stops panicing.... thought it was a bit early for the inevitable coup at #glow) #
Thursday, 9 April 2009
- 07:51 @glynmoody A very good question. I suspect it's to make people use Linux by making them go "NO NO don't show me THE AD again" :) #
- 09:21 @PaulOckenden is even simpler and doesn't require interpreting (from ) #
- 14:23 Off to Open Source Show and Tell tonight - #
- 15:34 @ramtops Why did you give the kittens those little hammers? :) #
- 19:24 Does Ubuntu even need to target one Market segment? #ossat #
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
- 07:54 @foleypod "Chirpy and Downtime, they are Tweetcops, pursuing offenders no matter what hashtags they wear" #
- 08:31 @foleypod "This is the Tweety. Hosted in San Fransisco. I work here... I carry an avatar.... I'm a Tweetcop" <FX: Rousing theme> #
- 08:34 @norock "Flat screen TVs".... Just a small point, but when was the last time you didn't see a TV in the shops that wasn't a flat screen? #
- 08:43 @norock Which use more electricity.... and then the Mail hare off with "MPs waste electricity" etc. #
- 08:47 @norock Hypocrisy has never been a stumbling block for the mail in the past. :) #
- 12:56 April GLOW, Greater London Open source Writers, April 27th - details at #opensource #london #
- 13:08 @glynmoody Vaguely canonical - As Infosec in next day, kinda allowing for that. And it's GLOW DST :) .... Might go back to 6 in the winter? #
- 13:19 @dhmorton Tis a mystery.... I'm hoping for a mini-displayport to displayport cable :D #
- 13:44 @stevekennedyuk Very shiny though. I like the option for an internal SSD, keeping the drive bays for spinning media. #
- 14:59 @bensummers Isn't that sweet of them.... Altruism at it's finest.... :) #
- 18:18 @webmink What? Rats and two way television and always at war with Eastasia? #
Monday, 6 April 2009
- 08:04 returns from doing 11k on the static bike. Shuffle offered "Young Younger28s"'s Gary as music. Odd thing yer Shuffle... #
- 08:05 @PaulOckenden Do you feel heavy metal? #
- 12:59 @ABridgwater Who knew no software is written to create drag and drop coding environments... #
- 18:16 @nikrosser Are you spelling it because your poorly cat has a twitter account? #
- 21:37 Just trying out Nambu.... Interesting. Very Interesting. #
- 21:43 @FrasSmith It seems to have a lot going for it. The columnness of tweetdeck, a compact combined view... liking. #
- 21:54 has been handed yummy chocolate... now zoning out to America's Next Top Model... Yeah, what of it :) #
- 22:03 @dhmorton Oh they have plenty to do to get out of beta with honor :) #
Sunday, 5 April 2009
- 11:15 Seems I have a fluttery drive post the power popping the other night. Oh well. #
- 11:20 @digitaldownfall Yes, one of the transplanted 1TB drives... Seems to be behaving post reboot, but plans are being made. #
- 12:25 @wendyg @rupertg Mmmmmmm KFC... yummy #
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Friday, 3 April 2009
- 08:25 @Wossy And I had you down as "Most likely to play Bond villain's evil sidekick" in the sweepstake.... dash! #
- 11:06 @p4ula What did you do wrong to deserve the punishment? :) #
- 15:05 @mattgemmell All you have to do is figure out how to replace it, the clients and the servers and the people.... :) #
- 15:11 @mattgemmell Play with my Lego Mindstorms NXT which rocks? #
- 15:43 @p4ula DoC attacks? #
- 16:01 @dhmorton Stands is as an emergency tripod? #
- 16:55 @jackschofield Oooh the Twitter Z-List :) #
- 18:07 @p4ula No, simple social engineering. If you twittered that, you got Delicious Library 2 thrown in. #
Thursday, 2 April 2009
- 09:44 destroytwitter 1.5 beta seems to put %20 in front of any links it sends to the browser.... #
- 10:15 Has been up and writing a feature on the things that can catch out people when the words enterprise and open source meet. :) #
- 11:03 @dalelane A box of ripe tomatoes at the door is a fun (for the audience) way for real time engaged feedback. :) #
- 11:14 Is giving Bluebird a go at least till DestroyTwitter's link bug is fixed. #
- 11:19 No, none of the Bluebird themes feel as dense as DestroyTwitter... #
- 12:23 Seem to have broken the screen on my Nokia 6120. Damn and blast. #
- 12:24 Methinks I need to sort out a replacement somehow... any suggestions #
- 13:31 RT Everyone is human - @destroytoday: Restart for the DestroyTwitter 1.5.1 fix. I really apologize for this. I dropped the ball. - fixed #
- 16:56 @Aleksandr_Orlov If this you appearing on page shouting surprise, will be disappointed. #
- 17:10 @destroytoday Thanks for fixing it so quickly. Pity there isn't a @dtwupdates to auto follow which you could detect and prompt the use. #
- 17:25 @destroytoday And you can also read the last status message of @dwtupdates to check if you have the latest version at start up. #
- 17:28 Just published The Open Source Enterprise Trap - - Can your vendor pass the checklist? #
- 18:44 #opensource #enterprise The Open Source Enterprise Trap - - Can your vendor pass the checklist? #
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
- 13:09 @IanSkerrett Like that! I mean any fool knows it's April 2nd. :) #
- 13:31 @IanSkerrett Oh once you know about the great clockmaker and computer cabal then you can never be fooled (or late) again! :) #
- 14:19 @rupertg As riots go, it's a bit rubbish. #
- 14:59 @codfather Wouldn't you prefer something GPL'd down to the schematics? #
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